Automated electronic distribution of IBMi reports, forms and databases.

iSeries Documents

iMail Spool File Report and Form Management: Burst, Sort, Route, and format spool file reports into popular formats like Excel, color PDF, HTML, ZIP, RTF and more....

Want to distribute documents electronically through email and eliminate paper? The iMail module provides a simple and easy to use spool to email option.

If you query a group of iSeries/AS400 business users about the kind of reporting being generated from the information stored on their machines, the vast majority of them will say via an Excel spreadsheet. Excel has been the reporting tool of choice since replacing Lotus 1-2-3 as the industry standard in 1993. Excel users know just how powerful a tool it can be to analyze numeric data and to present information in a clear, concise and presentable fashion.

Since the data on an iSeries/AS400 isn't readily accessible to Excel, financial reporting is normally generated with iSeries/AS400 spool files. Without the proper tools, manually downloading and importing these spool files into Excel spreadsheets can be tedious, time consuming and error prone.

Our iMail product transforms these iSeries/AS400Spool files and converts the data to true Excel (XLS or XLSX) and other formats automatically. iMail can also take the load off of IT by turning the spool file management and report distribution over to the users generating reports, without manually converting or re-entering information. Distribute them by email or post directly on your server for easy access by end users. If the information you need resides on the iSeries/AS400, you can format into Excel seamlessly and in an automated fashion.

Much more than simple email delivery. From your AS/400, iSeries, IBM i, and Power Server, you can send messages, business documents and spool file reports in easily readable formats. iMail enables organizations to upgrade to a paperless environment, saving time and money due to more efficient document management and distribution. Cumbersome paper-based labor and associated costs are saved.

The iMail native email module from our friends at inFORM Decisions provides seamless and automated distribution of reports, forms and databases. Users attach and distribute forms, reports and database files in popular formats including Adobe PDF, TEXT, EXCEL, HTML, RTF, ZIP, TXT and PCL.

Key Benefits of iMail:

  • Rapid distribution of enterprise documents via email, including invoices, statements, purchase orders, reports etc.
  • Auto-burst and route a spool file in portions or in its entirety, to various recipients via multiple devices, overnight or in real-time with no manual intervention
  • Usable with all IBMi, iSeries, System i and Power Server accounting/ERP solutions including JD Edwards, Mapics, Lawson, HTE, SAP, ORACLE, Computer Guidance, Optimum, Metalware, Pansophic, DCMS, PRMS, Infinium or any software application that generates a spool file
  • Eliminates MS Windows mail server by leveraging existing SMTP server
  • Automated email record capture extends archiving to capture important commications
  • Distribute scanned documents just like emails and faxes but with secure audit tracks
  • Automated rules engine provides unassisted spool file conversion/distribution to predefined recipients
  • Attach multiple spool files and distribute to recipients unzipped or zipped - common to iMail, iFax
  • Streamlined installation and configuration saves IT staff time and effort
  • Easy to integrate iMail into in-house software solutions using available APIs
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